Service Times

Sunday school - 10 am

Sunday School is a time where we can all grow as Christians.

We have classes for all ages and invite you to come to start your Sunday with us in Sunday School.

Morning Worship - 10:50 AM

It is truly an honor to be able to praise our Lord in our worship service. As the first worship service of the week, we meet together and sing praises to the Lord, and have a message from our Pastor, Rev. Terry Chick.

Evangelistic Service - 5 pm

Just like Sunday Morning, this also is a worship service. Join us as we sing God honoring music and listen to a message to challenge our hearts from our Pastor, Rev. Terry Chick.

Church visitation

Although visitation goes on daily, we meet together as Church family at 7:00 PM on Tuesdays  to reach Enid for Christ.

Wenesdays in the word

Come join us at 7:00 PM  as we gather around God's Word and encourage each other with prayer time. Come and hear the message God has laid on our Pastor's heart and be revived for the rest of the week.


Are you tired of fighting those struggles in your life? We invite you to come to H.O.P.E. and give them to Christ. Are you one that just wants to grow in Christ? Come learn more with H.O.P.E. This is a Bible based program used to enhance your life in Christ. Come find H.O.P.E. for your life,  Thursdays at 6:30 PM.